Asynchronous online classes Vs Synchronous online classes
What is asynchronous online learning?
Asynchronous online learning allows students to have access to course materials online. Students are required to log in to an online education platform. Students can access recorded lectures, webinars, reading content, recorded real-life demonstrations, engaging on the forum, and YouTube videos. Students complete all assessments online. We have student support where we address student needs.
Students who prefer asynchronous learning enjoy the flexibility, as long as the course is completed within the required time, the student has the flexibility to organise their own studies.
What is synchronous learning?
Synchronous learning allows the student to learn via distance education. Students will attend weekly live stream classes; this includes a facilitator and classmates. Also, students will attend either online or face-to-face practical classes.
Students are required to log in to an online education platform. students can access recorded lectures, webinars, reading content, recorded real-life demonstrations, engaging on the forum, and YouTube videos. Students will engage in discussions and debates. Students complete all assessments online. Students are assigned a tutor/assessor to help with any questions and assess written assessments